The best strategy for controlling turf weeds is to never let them get a foothold. An ounce of prevention is indeed worth a pound of cure! Lawns that have succumbed to more than 50% weeds are typically not salvageable. They must be landscape-raked and re-seeded. The best line of defense in lawn weed control is to establish a thick mat of healthy turf grass to choke out weeds.
However, in springtime turf weeds are a reality. Dandelion seeds have blown in and begin to grow; the infamous crabgrass also comes from seed and is relentless in staking its claim on any available bare patch in your lawn. At Green Grass Lawn Care, we know that timing is everything – and created our own two-pronged approach to lawn weed control during the first application for maximum effectiveness:
1.) Pre-Emergent. There are millions of weed seeds sitting in your turf ready to sprout. The good news is they are annual – that is, they will live for only one season. The bad news is, if they go to seed, each weed will create thousands of potential plants for next year. We use a liquid pre-emergent control that creates a barrier preventing these weed seeds from germinating.
2.) Post-emergent. This product is commonly known as “Broadleaf Weed Control” and it is very effective at controlling existing and newly sprouted weeds. There are different types of controls needed for different types of turf weeds. Our three-way and four-way herbicides go after a wide variety of weeds. Rather than just going after dandelions, our product hits all of them at once.
3.) Spot Spray Treatment. Since combining our weed control strategy into the first application, we have seen up to 95% effectiveness in eliminating turf weeds. This is good news because it reduces the need for subsequent applications. Over the course of the summer we will merely spot-spray any weeds that may have occurred over the summer months.
Is your lawn beyond help? We don’t think so! Contact us today for a free consultation.