OSHA – yes, it;s a four letter word – the Occupational Safety and Health Administration can be very informative. I stopped by their booth at New England Grows Trade Show to get some tips on how to protect myself, my employees, and my clients for biting insects, the environment, rodents, other animals. Not surprisingly, it is very common sense but is worth repeating.
- Wear long sleeve shirts, pants, and
- Spray your clothing with a product containing DEET or Picaridin
- Don’t reach into dark moist areas without gloves on.
- Avoid walking through untreated meadows
- Inspect the warm parts of your body, armpits, crotch and hairline for insects. Remember a deer tick can look like a walking freckle.
- Wear long sleeves, pants, hats and/or sunscreen.
- There are now Ivy-Block products to protect uncovered skin from poison ivy. They work better than nothing at all.
- The best product I have found for poison Ivy rashes is Zanfel. Available at Walgreens and other fine stores.
- If you find yourself underwater…wear scuba gear…
Wild animals, dogs:
- Make loud noises and yell before going into a back yard or other area bordering the woods. They are just as scared of you as you are of them.
- Get medical attention if you come into contact with them.
- They creep me out. Avoid at all costs!