Perhaps you’ve got better things to do with your summer weekends than pulling weeds. Mechanically removing weeds is an endless job because planting beds are porous by nature. Even with bark mulch, weed seeds from annual weeds and grasses will blow in throughout the season and work their way down in to find moist soil and take root. While mechanical weeding is sometimes necessary – especially in overgrown beds – a better approach to controlling weeds involves a control product application approach as well.
At Green Grass Lawn Care, our Bed Weed Control program is a two-step process:
Pre-emergent weed control. If you really want to get a handle on stopping weeds, you control them before they grow. The majority of weeds in shrub beds that spring up every year are annuals – that is, they come from seed and die at first frost. We provide two applications of pre-emergent weed control between spring and early summer.
Post emergent weed control. Occasionally there are tough weeds that are not managed through pre-emergent, or have germinated despite pre-emergent control measures. Our bed weed control program continues through September with post-emergent applications every few weeks, ensuring that the only thing growing in the shrub bed is what is supposed to be there!
Our goal is healthy, weed free planting beds for clients. Like lawn mowing and shrub spraying, bed weed control is an add-on service provided to our existing lawn fertilizing clients as a way to provide consistent quality to their entire property. Mechanical weeding, or hand pulling of weeds, is sometimes necessary. That service is provided as part of our Bed Weed Control Program.
At Green Grass Lawn Care, we are experienced and licensed in New Hampshire and Massachusetts to apply weed control as well as other products. This just makes us better at what we do!