I get this question a lot. I pretty much do the same thing I do every other time of the year – except I don’t go out and treat lawns in the winter! A company our size always has back-office items to take care of. Marketing materials are produced. Monies are chased. Sales are made. I attend continuing-education conferences are attended and sometimes (like this year) I plow a whole lot of snow!
I do try to get to the gym more to hit the bike and weight room. I also play a lot of racquetball. Not just practice drills but also competitive games with friends and tourneys. I play about 15-20 indoor and outdoor racquetball tournaments each year.
In October I play the US Open. Last year, I reached the quarter-finals of the Classic Pro division and hope to make it further next year. I was also awarded a Club Pro level sponsorship from E-Force Racquetball, the company who makes the most powerful racquets in the industry. I am happy to represent the brand.