Green Grass is 20 years old this month! It has been quite a ride. We have seen the company grow, improved our product lines and offerings, seen good employees come and go and expand their horizons, created many fine lawns and landscapes, and we had a good time along the way.
What’s next? We will continue to grow our core Healthy Lawn product, expand our tick control product, and move into structural pest control. We can use your help in growing these products through your feedback and your recommendations!
As I reflect on the past 20 years, I come to the realization that my passion for growing beautiful lawns and improving the health of the landscape has not waned one bit. I think my passion for my profession has actually increased in the past few years. I love what I do and how I make your lawn look. I wish more people would recognize my passion for the industry and realize that when they sign up for my Healthy Lawn Program, they get someone who will do everything in his ability to provide them with a nice lawn and landscape.
I am also constantly improving myself. I attend several trade shows every winter and a few throughout the year to stay on the cutting edge of turf fertility research and pest control. My colleagues call me “Yoda” – not because of my height – rather, because I am “all things knowing” when it comes to lawn care. I have been diagnosing, fertilizing, treating, and studying lawns for over 26 years.
The family is doing quite well. Yes, that’s Ceara driving around the seacoast. Eilise is happy cheerleading. Both are looking forward to going to the beach this summer. We are now visiting colleges around New England. Aaack! They grew up too fast!
When I am not at work I am either in my own yard or at the racquetball club. I had a setback this winter when I tore my bicep during a game but it was all for the better – I no longer have any shoulder pain! Lots of working out to get strength back into the arm but it will turn out fine.
That’s all for now. I’ll see you in the front yard.