I usually start these newsletters off with a “wow, that was some winter” and this edition I could say the same. It still amazes me that as quickly as it fell and as long as the snow lasts, it melts of at the end of each March and we are on the lawns in early April. Heavy snowfall does a lot of damage to plant materials and your lawn. The rains and runoff that follow can drown your plants and cause erosion. Not to worry, though, we have you covered. Green Grass will whip your landscape into shape during the spring cleanup and give you a landscape you can once again enjoy.
2011 is going to be an exciting year. I have made personnel changes in the landscape and maintenance division that will give me better control over quality and timing and give you a more professional service. I will also be implementing a program I call the PEER program. I designed this set of values to make employees recognize their responsibilities and enhance their abilities. PEER stands for Passion, Excellence, Education & Responsibility.
This winter I have been busy checking out different supply houses for our fertilizers and have found one that will allow me to keep your pricing reasonable. Raw material, and diesel fuel, pricing increased over 40% since September. There will be a small price increase in lawn program pricing this year but by picking the proper supplier, I am able to keep the increase small.
On the personal side….Ceara is recovering from the fracture to her leg during last year’s Regional Irish Dance Championships where she placed 11th and hopes to place in the top 20 in the country this July at the National Irish Dance Championships. Eilise has taken up cheerleading and loves every minute. Her next conquest is U12 spring softball. I have been playing well in the Open divisions for all the racquetball tourneys I have entered. Competition is tough but you win some and you lose some. This spring I will be playing in the Boston Pro stop in Brockton and expect to be thoroughly trounced. Diane and I will also be celebrating our 20th year of marriage this spring.
I hope all is well with you, I look forward to seeing you this spring.