Red Maple (Acer Rubrum) Just a beautiful tree and it epitomizes fall in New England. The bright red color stands out in the crowd! I chose this tree because I already have an order to plant two of …
Sweet Plant Picks
Our annual plant pick for shrubs, flowers, and trees that do well in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.
My passion for turf and plants - and my fascination with bugs - doesn't stop when the work is done, so I blog about them in my spare time! Browse the categories below or use the search tool to find interesting tidbits about your landscape.
Since most everyone I know is sick right now, I chose Echinacea due to its reported medicinal properties. Echinacea is commonly known as "Coneflower," a member of the sunflower family. It is a …
Astilbe x arendsii 'Fanal' (False Spirea) I let Ceara pic the plant of the month this spring, and she chose Astilbe 'Fanal.' A very good choice, this plant looks best in mass plantings. Astilbe is a …
Crocus The crocus is a simple plant but one we all can’t wait to see. There are hundreds of varieties of Crocus. One of the popular varieties is Crocus versicoloris. They exhibit purple, white, …