Red Maple (Acer Rubrum) Just a beautiful tree and it epitomizes fall in New England. The bright red color stands out in the crowd! I chose this tree because I already have an order to plant two of …
Seasonal Color
My passion for turf and plants - and my fascination with bugs - doesn't stop when the work is done, so I blog about them in my spare time! Browse the categories below or use the search tool to find interesting tidbits about your landscape.
Since most everyone I know is sick right now, I chose Echinacea due to its reported medicinal properties. Echinacea is commonly known as "Coneflower," a member of the sunflower family. It is a …
Astilbe x arendsii 'Fanal' (False Spirea) I let Ceara pic the plant of the month this spring, and she chose Astilbe 'Fanal.' A very good choice, this plant looks best in mass plantings. Astilbe is a …
My Garden Evaluation for 2015
Now is the time to start thinking about your gardens, while you’re looking out the window measuring how much snow melted today, think back to what looked good and grew well last year. What new things …